Meeting Materials


May 7, 2024    
September 3, 2024AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #2 
October 1, 2024AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #3 
November 5, 2024AgendaMinutes  
December 3, 2024Agenda   



April 4, 2023AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #1 
September 5, 2023AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #2-
October 3, 2023AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #3

GSA Bill #4

GSA Bill #5

November 7, 2023AgendaMinutes  
December 5, 2023AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #6 
February 6, 2024AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #7 
March 5, 2024AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #8

GSA Bill #9

GSA Bill #10

April 2, 2024AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #11

GSA Bill #12

GSA Bill #13

GSA Bill #14

GSA Bill #15

Attendance Special Rules

Highlighted Bylaw Changes



September 6, 2022AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #1 
October 4, 2022AgendaMinutes  
November 1, 2022AgendaMinutes  
December 6, 2022AgendaMinutes  
January 3, 2023No meeting   
February 7, 2023AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #2

GSA Bill #3

GSA Bill #4

GSA Bill #5

March 7, 2023AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #6

GSA Bill #7

GSA Bill #8

GSA Bill #9

GSA Bill #10

GSA Bill #11

April 4, 2023AgendaMinutes  



September 14, 2021AgendaMinutes  
October 5, 2021AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #1Climate Survey Executive Summary
November 2, 2021AgendaMinutes  
December 7, 2021AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #2

GSA Bill #3

January 11, 2022AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #4 
February 1, 2022AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #5 
March 1, 2022AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #6

GSA Bill #7

April 5, 2022AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #8

GSA Bill #9

GSA Bill #10

GSA Bylaw Revisions

GTAP Special Rules



September 11, 2018AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #1GSA Welcome Packet
October 2, 2018AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #2

GSA Bill #3

GSA Bill #4

November 6, 2018AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #5

GSA Bill #6

GSA Bill #7

GSA Bill #8

December 4, 2018AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #7

GSA Bill #9

GSA Bill #10

Letter to Chancellor Green and Executive Vice Chancellor Plowman
January 8, 2019Agenda 

GSA Bill #11

GSA Bill #12

February 5, 2019Agenda GSA Bill #13

Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Startup and SOPs for Departmental GSAs

March 6, 2019    
April 2, 2019    



September 5, 2017AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #1

GSA Bill #2

GSA Bill #3

Professional Development Survey
September 19AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #4

GSA Bill #5

GSA Bill #6

October 3, 2017AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #7

GSA Bill #8

GSA Bill #9

GSA Bill #10

GSA Bill #11

Approved letter to the Adm.
November 7, 2017AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #12

GSA Bill #13

GSA Bill #14

GSA Bill #15

December 5, 2017AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #16

GSA Bill #17

GSA Bill #18

January 9, 2018AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #19

GSA Bill #20

February 6, 2018AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #21

GSA Bill #22

March 6, 2018AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #23

GSA Bill #24

GSA Bill #25

GSA Bill #26

GSA Bill #27

GSA Bill #28

GSA Bill #29

April 3, 2018AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #30Financial Report



September 6, 2016AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #1

GSA Bill #2

GSA Bill #3

GSA Bill #4

GSA Bill #5

October 4, 2016AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #6

GSA Bill #7

GSA Bill #8

GSA Bill #9

GSA Bill #10

GSA Bill #11

GSA Bill #12

November 1, 2016AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #13
December 6, 2016AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #14

GSA Bill #15

GSA Bill #16

GSA Bill #17

January 10, 2017AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #18

GSA Bill #19

GSA Bill #20

GSA Bill #21

GSA Bill #22

February 7, 2017AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #23

GSA Bill #24

GSA Bill #25

GSA Bill #26

GSA Bill #27

March 7, 2017AgendaMinutes

GSA Bill #28

GSA Bill #29

GSA Bill #30

GSA Bill #31

April 4, 2017AgendaMinutesGSA Bill #32